Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Next Stop...Darjeeling

So, I made peace with Kolkata before I left, actually I wanted to stick around for a few more days but the die had been cast.

I took an overnight train, 11.5 hours, then hopped on the Darjeeling "Toy Train," a narrow gauge railway that winds it's way up the mountains using switchbacks and whatnot until 8 hours later, I arrived in Darjeeling.  The train will feel more at home in a childrens park, but it sure is fun to ride.  The Toy Train is hands down my favorite train trip of all time.  I didn't pick up a book once, it was so much fun.  So lets give a Holy Fucking Shit to the Darjeeling Toy Train!!!!

As you might have figured out, India and I are now on speaking terms.  I plan to be here for 4 or 5 nights and then head into Nepal, then  to Rajistan, it has a big desert so I kind of half to go.  Then to Mumbai and home.  Only 20 days left.

Normally I don't make plans in advance like this but the train system here sort or requires it as the tickets sell out early.

So, I'm digging India and life is good!

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