Saturday, November 14, 2009

Chiang Mai and the North

When we got back to Bangkok, it was lousy with tourists. High season
had begun. We lucked out and got a bed in a decent place. But there
our luck ended. The sleeper train to Chaing Mai was sold out. So we
took what we though was a sleeper bus. Turns out they booked us on an
old piece of crap and charged us more than double the normal cost.
Such is life.

Once in Chaing Mai, I went on a trekk in the jungle for three days and
the girl when to cooking school. Cooking school was great, I'm told.
Trekking was not so much. I had a crap guide and the trails are way
over touristed. Though I did get to have a nice walk in the jungle.

Then we were off to Chiang Dao, to a place called the Nest. It was a
somewhat ritzy kind of place with great food, a place for a mini
retreat at the foot of a mountain, near some famous caves.

Then on to Chiang Khong for a night before crossing the Laos border.

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