Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It really is indescribable...

So, all the guide books, websites and whatnot say that India can't be described...and they are correct.  I hate to admit it, but I was a bit shaken last night when I arrived.  I needed to find a cash machine.  It took me more than an hour, I had no map and no idea where to go.  The hotel gave me directions to one that didn't like my card, so off I went.  I had to walk through New Market at prime time.  Think of it as a very dirty swap meet with really pushy sellers, mix in some beggars, no street signs, cook fires...see here comes the indescribable part.  Lets just say it was less than pleasant. 

Anyway, it's been almost 30 hours and I'm adjusting.  I can't say Kolkata is my favorite city, but I'm not so intimidated.  I actually smiled at a couple of people.  The thing is almost everyone is trying to rip you off here, so letting your guard down isn't really an option.  It should get better out in the country.  We shall see.

Your intrepid traveler.

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