Sunday, October 11, 2009


Is not my favorite place in China. I grow weary of the offers of pot,
hash, girls and watches. There are a lot more "practice english" scams
here as well.
(Whoops, I hit send before I was done and can't edit in China)
I did eat excellent street food and the Shanghai museum kicked ass. It's a world class museum. The bronze, ceramic and special gold exhibits were wonderful.


  1. You must be in a different part of Shanghai, I mainly got offers of watches (Rolex - not sure why there's never any nice Tag Heuer knockoffs, maybe too hard to pronouce?), blinky rollershoes, other touristy crap. If you want a really good deal buy a couple of violins and have them shipped home.

  2. Fred,
    I'm not very musical...I'd not go back to Shanghai, unless it was for work.
