Monday, September 21, 2009

Trans-Mongolian Railway

The train pulled out a 7:45 am. It's my home until sometime on Tuesday afternoon. I'm sharing a compartment with a German girl, Steph, who is doing 4 day stopover in Mongolia and continuing on to Moscow.

The train is fairly empty, if Steph had not bought a ticket a few days ago, I'd have the compartment to myself. Though I'm quite happy to have the company.

UB had heavy snow, which I'm not ready for. I bought some long
underwear yesterday and will buy more warm clothes and maybe some boots in UB. It depends on what kind of trip I can put together. I really want to go to the Gobi or at least I did until it got so cold. The cold came early this year I think.

I've not done a train trip like this since I backpacked through
Europe, eastern Europe and Turkey in the late '90s.

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